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Menú Congreso Internacional Fitopatología

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10 to 14 June 2025

Cajica - Colombia

First announcement

Changing weather, a new balance: adapting the plant health to the future challengers

Invite: Universidad Militar Nueva Granada UMNG, Asociación Colombiana de Fitopatología y Ciencias Afines ASCOLFI, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Ecuador CIDE.

Presence assistance sede: Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Campus ¿Nueva Granada¿, Km 2 vía Cajicá ¿ Zipaquirá, Colombia.

Virtual assistance coordinator: CIDE Ecuador


Official e-mail:


-          Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Bogotá

-          Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín

-          Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias

-          Corporación Colombiana de Investigaciones AGROSAVIA

-          Centro de Investigación de la Caña de Azúcar CENICAÑA

-          Universidad de los Andes

-          Asociación Colombiana de Floricultores ASOCOLFLORES, CENIFLORES. 


In the name of New Granada Military University UMNG, the Phytopathology Colombian Association ASCOLI and the Research Center and Development of Ecuador CIDE I am pleased to invite you to participate in the IV INTERNATIONAL PHYTOPATHOLOGY CONGRESS, XXXV COLOMBIAN CONGRESS OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY AND RELATED SCIENCES ASCOLFI (50 years) and IV INTERNATIONAL FUSARIUM SYMPOSIUM 2025. Phytopathologists, Agronomists, Biologists, and Researchers in the world's vegetal sanity are invited to argue their research and discuss the actual and future problems that are dealt with by growers and researchers of vegetal sanity. The meeting promises to provide a platform broad for talks, posters, and round tables, that consider the related to human health, animals, and the environment. we want to see you and give you the welcome in our amply installations in Cajica. In addition to an excellent group of guest lectures with magistral conferences, our section of simultaneous talks, poster presentations, commercial samples, and meetings with research centers, we are going to take round table discussions.


Event Calendar



Opening of abstract submissions and registration of participants

Closing of abstract submission

Author notification

Fusarium Symposia

International Congress an ASCOLFI Meeting


Areas of interest:

  • Trees, grasses and flowers diseases

  • Fruits and vegetables diseases

  • Tropical crops diseases

  • Pathogen detection and diagnosis

  • Biological control of pest and diseases

  • Integrated disease control

  • Molecular phytopathology

  • Phytosanitary regulation

  • Fusarium symposia

  • Emerging and entomopathogenic fungi

  • Epidemiology and climate change

  • AI and disease control

  • Detection and phenomics system


Summaries: It will be published in the magazine Fitopatología Colombiana ISSN:0120-0143

Awards: During the congress date we are going to deliver awards to the best presentations and posters.


Registration costs in American dollars and the equivalent in Colombian pesos the day of the inscription




Extemporaneous registrations

Ungraduated student

25 USD (97.500 Col)

32 USD (125.000 Col)

40 USD (156.000 Col)

Postgraduate student

35 USD (137.000 Col)

56 USD (220.000 Col)

70 USD (273.000 Col)

Professional expositor


170 USD (663.000 Col)

220 USD (858.000 Col)

270 USD (1.054.000 Col)

Professional assistant

160 USD (624.000 Col)

200 USD (780.000 Col)

240 USD (936.000 Col)

Professional affiliate ASCOLFI assistant or expositor

145 USD (566.000 Col)

185 USD (722.000 Col)

225 USD (878.000 Col)

day pass student without  presentation

10 USD (39.000 Col)

12 USD (47.000 Col)

15 USD (60.000 Col)

day pass professional without  presentation

35 USD (137.000 Col)

40 USD (156.000 Col)

56 USD (220.000 Col)

Virtual ungraduated student without presentation

15 USD (60.000 Col)

20 USD (78.000 Col)

25 USD (97.500 Col)

Virtual postgraduate student without presentation

32 USD (125.000 Col)

40 USD (156.000 Col)

56 USD (220.000 Col)

Virtual professional without presentation  

70 USD (273.000 Col)

94 USD (367.000 Col)

112 USD (437.000 Col)

Footnote: The regular student (with a valid license) does have not a different rate whether its participation will be like speaker or assistant. The one-day assistant will be not to present a work. There is no difference in the cost between oral presentations and poster presentations. 


Fusarium Symposium 

National speaker invited: 

  • Liliana M. Hoyos Carvajal Ph.D. Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellín.
  • Harold D. Ardila Ph.D. Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Bogotá. 
  • Mónica Betancourt Ph.D. Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria Agrosavia, Colombia.
  • Juan J. Filgueira Ph.D. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Cajicá Colombia. 
  • Mauricio Soto Suarez Ph.D. Asociación Colombiana de Fitopatología ASCOLFI.

International speaker:  

  • Maria Veronica Fumero, Ph.D Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Argentina.

  • Other speaker by confirmation of Brazil, USA, Canada and Netherlands.  

International phytopathology congress, Colombian congress of phytopathology and related sciences

National speaker invited:

  • Johana C. Soto. Ph.D. Facultad de Ciencias, Programa de Biología, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá.

  • Ángela Rivera Ph.D. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Palmira.

  • Liliana M. Hoyos Carvajal Ph.D. Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Medellín.

  • Fernando Rodríguez Villamizar. Ph.D. y Rocío Margarita Gámez Carrillo Ph.D. Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria, Agrosavia, Colombia.

  • Juan Carlos Ángel M.Sc. Centro de Investigación de la Caña de Azúcar de Colombia, Cenicaña.

  • Fernando Cantor Ph.D. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Colombia.

  • Anderson Julián Páez Ph.D. Asociación Colombiana de Floricultores Asocolflores, Ceniflores, Bogotá Colombia

  • Freddy Fernando Garcés Obando Ph.D. Centro de Investigación de la Caña de Azúcar CENICAÑA.

  • Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia.

  • Universidad de los Andes Bogotá Colombia 

  • Cenipalma

  • Cenicafe

  • Cenibanano

  • CIAT

  • ICA

International speaker:  

  • Lorenzo Lombard Ph.D. Manager, St. NAK, Países Bajos (Holanda)

  • Other speaker by confirmation  


Fusarium symposium

  • Master lectures

  • Fusarium poster presentations

  • Round tables

Plenary International congress of phytopathology

  • Master lectures

  • Simultaneous presentations

  • Poster presentations

Entomopatogen and controls seminar

  • Master lectures

  • Simultaneous presentations  

  • Round tables

  • Posters presentations


  • ASCOLFI meeting

  • Conversation CENIS

  • Interaction students/speakers

  • Best work awards (students and professionals)

  • National award for phytopathologist (ORIUS)

  • Commercial expositions

UMNG localization map


The location of the Campus of the ¿Nueva Granada¿ Military University, Cajicá headquarters, is at the coordinates ¿4.941370, -74.014697¿ Cajicá, Cundinamarca, Colombia. To travel from Bogotá, as a starting point on the northern highway with Calle 170, there is the ¿Éxito 170¿ warehouse, from which, you must head north along the highway, you will find the toll called ¿Andes¿ 8.4 kilometers away. Next, continue 3 kilometers until you reach the Chía detour located on the right side of the road, where you cross in front of the Universidad de la Sabana and next to the Centro Chía shopping center and take the main Cajicá-Zipaquirá road, after traveling 5.7 kilometers, you must take the Zipaquirá variant road on the right side, avoiding the bridge that enters Cajicá. Finally, after traveling 6 kilometers you will come across a round point at which you must continue on the right side via Zipaquirá for 0.37 kilometers until you reach the Campus of the ¿Nueva Granada¿ Military University. The total route is approximately 24 kilometers from the starting point on 170th Street to the University campus, and lasts 40 minutes depending on traffic flow.


Oral and poster presentations: The official language of the congress is Spanish-English, summaries and posters must be written in English.

TITLE: The title must be centered in capital letters and in bold. Except for scientific names. which will be in lowercase bold and italic letters. The title must adequately reflect the content of the abstract with a number of words less than twenty. The title should not include abbreviations or chemical formulas.

NAMES AND SURNAMES OF THE AUTHOR(S): THE name(s) of the centered author(s). In bold and on a single line. The name of the author who will make the presentation must be underlined.

INSTITUTION: The name(s) of the institution(s) where the work is located. Followed by the city, region and country. The contact address and Email (e-mail).

SUMMARY: A maximum of 1140 characters. Times New Roman font. Size 12. Separation between lines of 1.5. in a single paragraph. The summary must be written in the impersonal past. It must be concise, coherent and accurate. Clearly and briefly indicating the objectives. The justification. The methodology used. the analysis of the results and conclusions. Scientific names should be written in italics and in full the first time they are named; They can then be abbreviated. Writing only the initial of the gender. but leaving the species complete. When referring to products, common names should be preferred over commercial names.

TRADEMARKS: In the case of registered trademark names. They must be written followed by the letter R (capital letter) and the manufacturer's address. For units of measurement, the International System of Units (SI) must be used. The summary does not include bibliographic references, citations, tables, graphs or acknowledgments.

KEYWORDS: Maximum five. The most important word or keywords should be selected. preferably not contained in the title that allow the text to be identified in a bibliographic search.

ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: The Congress Organizing Committee has established rules for the admission of abstracts. Each abstract will be reviewed under these rules taking into account scientific content and presentation. Committee members and selected referees will carefully review each abstract received and have the authority to accept or reject any of them. The main factors considered by the Committee in qualifying the abstracts for acceptance are: Quality of the research.

THE RELEVANCE/SUITABILITY OF THE TOPIC IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE CONGRESS: Abstracts that do not clearly show the following aspects will be rejected. The problem to be investigated (hypothesis, topic). The experimental method used. The main result obtained. Sufficient data must be included in the summary for the evaluation to be carried out. It is not enough to say that the results will be discussed. A clear conclusion of the work.

GUIDE FOR ORAL PRESENTATIONS: Once the scientific committee confirms your acceptance for presentation. You will be informed of the day and time. Presentations must be sent to the official email 15 days before the congress, indicating the day, time and room of your presentation that were announced with the acceptance of the work. The speaker must appear in the room fifteen minutes before his conference. The general format must be in Power Point. Presentation time will be ten (10) minutes and five (5) for questions. Due to the structure of the program and the number of presentations. Time starts running at the set time.

GUIDE FOR POSTER PREPARATION: Authors must be available at the assigned times. which will be confirmed before the congress. The poster will be prepared using figures, tables, photographs, graphs and/or diagrams combined with appropriate texts. In a space of 1.5 m high x 1.0 m wide (or 1.5 m high x 0.90 m wide). The board on which it will be placed will be supplied by the Organizing Committee.

Sample Abstract


 Code the title of the abstract to appear in bold.

I.M. DEWRIGHT(1), E.Z. Doesit(2), L.M. Press(2) (1)Dept. Plant   Pathology, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164; (2)Dept. Plant Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721.

The text of the abstract should be carefully written to stay within the maximum limit of 1,140 characters. An abstract should contain the usual components of good presentation: a description of the problem, methodology, results, and a concluding statement. The abstract should be concise with just enough information to introduce your subject and generate interest. In the past, abstract text had to fit within a blue box printed in the abstract form. Now, the character limit ensures that the abstract will fit the prescribed space for a consistent and economical printing of the annual meeting abstract book and again in Fitopatologia Colombiana.  Abstracts are posted on the official web site well before the print publication of the abstract supplement to Fitopatologia Colombiana. Note that the coding for italics that surround the name of the journal will make that word italicized in print and on the Internet. This sample is 1,113 characters not counting spaces or the coding for bold and italic formatting.


Organizers information and contact information:

Oficial e-mail:

Organizer president commit:

Dr. Juan José Filgueira Duarte

Cellular phone in Colombia: +57-3006015019

Address: Programa de Biología Aplicada, Facultad de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada Km 2 vía Cajicá-Zipaquirá, Cundinamarca, Colombia.

Phone: +57-601650000 extension 3180, 3181 and 3230


ASCOLFI (Palmira Colombia)

Dra. Ángela Rivera

Vice-president cellular phone in Colombia: +573162377816

Administrative assistant

David Velasquez Ortiz

Cellular phone in Colombia: +573232914627



CIDE (Guayaquil Ecuador)

Engineer Antonio Baque:

Cellular phone in Ecuador: +593996800656

Institutional contact

Bryan Tello:

Phone +593996800630


Cellular phone in Ecuador: +590996800906



Scientific committee:


Universidad Militar Nueva Granada:

  • Juan J. Filgueira D. Biol. M.Sc. Ph.D.
  • Fernando Cantor R. Biol. M.Sc. Ph.D.

Universidad Nacional de Colombia cede Bogotá:

  • Johana C. Soto C. Biol. M.Sc. Dr.Sc

  • Universidad Nacional de Colombia cede Medellín:

  • Liliana M. Hoyos C. Agro. M.Sc. Ph.D.

  • Asociación Colombiana de Fitopatología:

  • Ángela Rivera Ph.D.,

  • Benjamín Pineda Ph.D.,

  • Mónica Betancourt M.Sc. Ph.D. 

  • Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Ecuador:

  • Marcelo Calvache Ph.D.


  • Fernando Rodríguez Villamizar. Ph.D.


  • Juan Carlos Ángel S. Ing. M.Sc.


1- Airport, hotel and tourist information will be provided in subsequent communications, stay tuned.

2- The payment method within Colombia and outside of Colombia will be informed in future announcements.

3- the dollar exchange rate will be given one week before the congress, for payments it will be the exchange rate on the day of payment.

4- We will have a welcome reception and a farewell meeting of the congress that will be announced in the general program.

5- Consult the following link to consult the countries that require a visa to enter Colombia -we explain/  if required, consult the Colombian consulate in your country and ask the organizing committee for an invitation letter to facilitate your process.

6- The official airline of the country is Avianca